Legal mentions

The website is edited by Château de Ferrand,
S.A.S with capital of € 13 075 020 ,
and registered address: Saint-Hippolyte, – F – 33330,
registered with the Registre du Commerce et des sociétés de Libourne
under registration number 403 560 253.

TEl. + 33 (0) 5 57 74 47 11

office address:
Château de Ferrand – 339 Allée de Saint-Poly – Saint-Hippolyte

publication director:
Gonzague de Lambert, director

the website is hosted by e-labo sarl
10 rue fontaine d’argent
f – 13 100 aix-en-provence

privacy policy

cookies notice

About GDPR

website credits:

Conception, Creation Direction, Production : 
Chavepayre & Chavepayre
Daghero Productions

Funny Bones – Graphic Design
e-labo – WordPress development

photo credits:

Nicolas Aubert
Éric Barrière
Sophie Deiss
Nicolas Mathéus
Yann Rabanier
Gérard Uféras
Guillaume de Tapol
Célestin Coutaud
Bibliothèque Nationale de France